• Vocal and Artist Coaching

  • I offer coaching services for vocalists and solo or group artists.

    Vocal Coaching

    I have four years’ experience coaching vocalists.

    Most great vocalists have a team of vocal coaches and teachers behind them. I recommend that all vocalists see a teacher weekly, and a coach like me about once or twice a month.

    Vocal coaching is different from a lesson from a teacher. In a vocal lesson, you usually work on vocal technique. As a vocal coach, I make sure that you’re hitting the right notes and have the correct diction when singing in English or another language. We can work on trouble spots in the music together, or work together a couple weeks before a major audition. A vocal coach can be an excellent resource a couple weeks before any major audition to pinpoint notes and diction that needs some more attention.

    Working with a vocal coach regularly can also improve the quality of your vocal lessons. Instead of working out the basic things like notes in your lesson, you can work on producing a higher quality sound and devote the lesson to effective vocal technique instead of just the notes.

    When you leave a vocal coaching session, you will have a recording of all the parts played correctly on the piano for you to use as a reference later.

    Click here to set up a time for vocal coaching.

    Artist Coaching

    I have seven years’ experience coaching artists. I started coaching friends of mine who are also musicians and they helped me out with my own, too. After their tracks started performing better, I realized that I could be a resource for other musicians outside of my social circles.

    Having a neutral third party listen to your songs and give you advice can be extremely helpful. Solo artists tend to get too close to their music, and stop hearing it as a listener would. Bands also benefit from a fresh perspective for the same reason. It’s hard when everyone in a band plays original material and they want to make sure it’s the best it can be, but everyone is too close to the music to make a beneficial decision. I am happy to help out musicians in this way and found that, after coaching, the music is usually at the next level of quality.

    I recommend that artists who come in for coaching have completed songs, or songs that are at least 90% complete. I can help with finishing songs, but that may take more time than a one-hour coaching session would allow.

    Click here to set up an artist coaching session.


    Vocal coaching is $50/hour.

    Artist coaching is $100/hour.

    Click here to contact me and make an appointment.